
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Our Script (Eva, Tane, Carla)

 Two sisters cat or dog (script)

(Scene 1) (Emily and Selena walking back to their house.)

Emily when we get home I want to talk about something to you 

Selena ok 

(Scene 2)  (They get home and go into Emily's bedroom.)

Selena ok what do you want to talk about 

Emily I want to ask would you rather have a puppy or a kitten  

Selena hmmm that’s a hard one I probably want a puppy

Emily same but how are we going to convince mum? 

Selena, I don't know but we are gonna need a hell of a good plan 

because we both know she hates dogs or puppies.

(Scene 3) Selena and Emily are at school discussing how they are gonna ask mum over lunch.

Selena Well if we were going to get a dog what breed would it be?  

Emily hmm not sure

 Selena Well I think we should get a pitbull 

Emily Well I think we should get a rottweiler 

Selena ok but again how are we going to convince mum?

(Scene 4) Selena and Emily are back home in Selena’s room.  

Emily well I know mum will never let me have pet sins I killed my pet fish.

Selena well then we need to convince her by doing a lot of chores

Emily oh on chores

Selena  yes because if we do lots of chores she will think that we are responsible enough to look another a dog

Emily oh fine 

Selena ok now chop chop

(Scene 5) Selena and Emily are in the kitchen doing the dishes and cleaning the whole house. 

Emily why are we doing this again? 

Selena so we can get a puppy duh

Emily oh right I’m so forgetful 

Scene 4 They finished their chores when mum got home and they said… 

Selena Hey mum so can we just talk about something?    

Emily So since we have been really good can we talk about getting a pet…

Mum I already told you guys wait till you get older...


Mum No that's final no buts, and don't raise your voice at me young lady

(Mum walks away) 

Emily I guess mums right maybe we should wait until next year

(Selena groans)

Selena alright...

(They both walk back to selena's room)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva,
    I think that it is an awesome idea to create your own script. This was fun to read. You have done a great job. It is like a nice story. I could relate so much to this, when I was five I really wanted a pony but I wasn't allowed for a while. But I got one next year. Do you have any pets? Great job, Eva. Keep making scripts.
    Ma Te Wa Sophia
