
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My Quick write :)


Swaying trees cover the misty path. The moon shines upon a rock, making it more lively than ever. I run down the path in fright of what might be behind me. Suddenly a shadow appears from behind a dead tree. I hear my heart skip a beat. My legs start to shake, and my whole body goes numb. I try to retreat but as I do, my legs give out and I stumble to the ground. Losing all thought as everything turns black.

My eyes flicker open over time. The trees rock side to side above me as I stare up at the moon. I regained power in my legs, but my memory went blank. I crawl to my knees, using all my energy and effort. My whole body aches, it looks as if I had been dragged along a gravel road. Slash wounds cover my body, luckily not deep enough to end me. I gaze at my legs to make sure I'm still human. I think I am.

As I look around I nearly lose my breath. Two other people lay near me, spread out like dead animals. Except they were not animals but do seem dead. How did they get there? How did I get here? What happened?...

(By the way I haven't finished this yet because I ran out of time so I'm going to start writing a part two :3)

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Tsunami Writing

This week with some of the work we received, we had to write about an image, which was based on a tsunami I think. This was the image, and below is my writing about it. 

It was that time again… Our annual surfing trip to Raglan. While my parents packed up the suitcases and loaded up the car for the long journey ahead, we chatted excitedly about what an incredible holiday this was going to be!

Not too long into the journey, the beautifully clear, blue sky became dark and ominous. All of a sudden, crashing towards the long line of traffic, was a colossal wave – not the kind you’d want to catch on a board either…

Desperately, people raced wildly out of their cars, running, screaming, and panicking yet as I looked to my left, I saw a man… He stood there unfazed and sighed like he had been through this a million times. While others scrambled out of their cars, grabbing their loved ones. Tears were rising on most of their faces, yet this man was what I would've considered insane not to go hysterical at a time like this. 

I found myself constantly looking at him, with a god-like stare. Yet he hadn't moved a muscle even though this was a life or death situation. The intensity coming from this man was too much to handle. It was like he would cause more damage than the actual wave itself. My eyes follow his glare which was not my intention. But I ended up doing it anyway.

A small group of sobbing people huddled beside a car door. Some praying, others in a tremendous state. But the man glared at them as if they had committed a terrible sin. I snarled when I saw him glaring at them. They had the right to be scared, so what was his problem? 

Maybe this man was more satan-like than god-like...

Also, I didn't get to finish it so that probably why some of it doesn't make sense.