
Friday, June 26, 2020

Persuasive Writing- Why we should eat more vegetables

Why We Should Eat More Vegetables
I think we should all eat vegetables.

Vegetables are good for our health. I eat vegetables and so should you! Lots of Veggies contain Vitamin A, which if you don't already know. Vitamin A is a group of “unsaturated organic compounds”. 

In my opinion, all vegetables are really compelling and are a must for our health. Lots of people don't like vegetables but that's their loss. Some veggies are considered the healthiest food source in the world. For example, spinach is considered a superfood because of all the nutrients and the low calories it contains.          

For this reason, I think we should all eat vegetables because they contain lots of vitamin A and C. Vitamins like A and C help our body in many ways, for example, vitamin A helps our normal vision in order for our eyes to work better. It also helps the immune system. All vitamins help our heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs to function better. Unlike vitamin A, vitamin C is quite different. In the human body, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. Helping to protect organ cells from damage, caused by free radicals.

Vegetables also help you to become fit and healthy. If you eat vegetables daily you will notice that you are better at the sport. That's because all the nutrients in it help you be fit. It will also help you lose weight and it could encourage you to try the vegetarian diet. 
In conclusion, I think everyone should eat veggies every day because they make us really healthy. Even though they look gross and most broccolis reminds you of trees. They are actually great for our bodies. So that's why I think we should all eat our veggies.

By Eva

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