
Monday, August 26, 2019

My Animal Poster

This week for homework we got given a sheet of paper similar to a poster. Instead we had to write down all the facts, diet, its appearance and habitat. Then today we had to take that sheet and make it into a poster about that animal. The poster we had to make is for AG day.

My animal was a Miniature pig. The reason I choose this particular animal is because I have three at my home. Does anyone else have a miniature pig? Because if you do what do you feed them?


  1. Hi Eva - I would love to learn more about your interesting pets - are you bringing one to Ag day?

    1. No because my Mum said it would be to hard

  2. Hi Eva- I like the way you used the love hearts in your post it is really interesting.

  3. Hey Eva I liked reading your interesting facts about your pigs.

  4. Hi Eva its me Lola I like how you made your poster nice and bold and stand out maybe you could make it a bit more colourful.

  5. Hello Eva! I really enjoyed your pig story. Does your family keep pigs on your farm?
    We had a baby pig who was like a dog and really smart.
